
Posts Tagged ‘ONI’

The House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) request as part of their investigation the Naval Intelligence Files on Lee Harvey Oswald – files that were never shown to the Warren Commission.

The files could however not be furnished to the HSCA as they had be destroyed in 1973 as part of a routine procedure.

I can understand that the file of an average Marine would only be kept for a certain time, but this was the file on the man who killed the President! as well as a man who defected to the Soviet Union.

One would think that the file would be market and kept under special circumstances.

This is to me unbelievable and at least circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy.

Source: HSCA p 223-225

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Lee Harvey Oswald

Oswald was and is today the official assassin of President John F Kennedy (JFK). In the original inquest (Warren Commission) it was determined that Oswald acted alone, without the support of any third party or government. He was the lone assassin, a mad man driven by his communist disillusions.

Today most people believe that the state of the evidence points to a more complex answer that can not be explained by a simple lone gunman theory. (time between shots (Zapruder film), the rifle used (the Carcano rifle is possible the worst rifle in the world)

So who was Oswald then? A pawn in a larger game ? A patsy framed ? A government agent, possible ONI (former or active) ? An active participant in the assassination, who was later framed?

These are not easy question, with simple answers. What we do know is that he apparently “defected” to the Soviet Union in 1959, stayed there for 20 months and then returned to America with a Russian wife. The KGB officially claimed that they had no interest in him, a claim that was backed up by the “defector” Yuri Nosenko in early 1964. Nosenko who himself was most likely a dispatched KGB agent (who later in life probably became a genuine defector)

The idea that Oswald was allow to defect and then return with out any legal problems and the support from the KGB to the lone gunman theory points to some government connection and if so, does it help us answer the questions above?

Not really, except that it points to a sinister answer that Oswald was at least at some point involved with the ONI and that he was either used or willingly participated in the assassination and if he participated he was later abandoned by his co-conspirators.

To be continued……

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