
Posts Tagged ‘conspiracy’

The House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) request as part of their investigation the Naval Intelligence Files on Lee Harvey Oswald – files that were never shown to the Warren Commission.

The files could however not be furnished to the HSCA as they had be destroyed in 1973 as part of a routine procedure.

I can understand that the file of an average Marine would only be kept for a certain time, but this was the file on the man who killed the President! as well as a man who defected to the Soviet Union.

One would think that the file would be market and kept under special circumstances.

This is to me unbelievable and at least circumstantial evidence of a conspiracy.

Source: HSCA p 223-225

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The problem that I have with the “second Oswald” theories is that it sort of would indicate that the purpose of killing the president was to frame Oswald rather than to kill JFK.

In addition to the fact that some of the theories actually (like the one presented by Armstrong) actually claims that Oswald was selected at the age of 13 (!?!) which is ridiculous, I mean why choose Oswald at thirteen? How could anyone at that time know that he would evolve into a good patsy. Additionally JFK was not even a threat to any establishment at this time so why prepare a legend?

So is there any evidence to support this at all? The only circumstantial evidence I have found to remotely support this is in Oswald’s 201 file.  In the file there is a transcript from a teleconference between Oswald and the Soviet embassy (23rd of September 1963).

The issue with this conversation is not the content, but the fact that the US serviceman (Douglas J. Feinglass) who handled the dialogue note that Oswald spoke terrible Russian. However it is known that Oswald spoke excellent Russian (his wife originally thought he was from the Baltic states because of his accent).

I have no explanation for this either than that like with the second Oswald photo the US-servicemen  mixed-up Oswald for another American who contacted the Soviet Embassy OR there was a conspiracy to frame Oswald

 Question is then why? And when did it start? And who were behind the conspiracy?

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